

Church email address: [email protected]

Church Phone number: (860) 464-9926

LGBT rainbow symbol

Our church is a Christian community of people joined together in the pursuit of peace, justice, and spiritual renewal in ourselves and our world. We have been part of the community of Ledyard since 1725. Our members come from a variety of religious backgrounds and faith traditions and our vision is to be a beacon of light and a spiritual sanctuary in our community. We are Open and Affirming. We embrace the message that “Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here”. Please come and join us.

Where & When

722 Colonel Ledyard Hwy, Ledyard, CT 06339. Route 117 at Col. Ledyard Hwy; enter parking from either road.

is Sundays at 9:30 in person, online or on Facebook. Sunday School begins halfway through worship (ages 3 – 8th grade). Your children are welcome in worship, Sunday School and the Toy Room, whatever you like. There is a changing table in one of the restrooms.

wheelchairThe church is handicapped accessible with some limitations. For more information, view instructions on the Accessibility from the menu above.

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