As we know, people learn in different ways: through words, through photos and diagrams, through watching a presentation. People also worship and draw close to God in different ways.
Rev. Grant, Deacons and others sometimes arrange objects on the altar to enhance our visual worship, to illustrate the Scriptures upon which the sermon is based. Among other themes, we have seen Jesus’ changing water to wine, the encounter Jesus had with Lazarus raised from the dead, and his encounter with the Samaritan woman at a well. Doves, rocks, pitchers, fabric “water” and “earth” have graced the altar so far.
The reason for including visual arrangements in worship is not simply to “decorate” the altar, but rather, to inspire deeper contemplation of the Scriptures for those of us who are visually oriented. The architectural simplicity in our congregational tradition lends itself nicely to the inclusion of objects of special meaning on the altar.
This visual worship effort is led by the Deacons, and you are invited to share your thoughts about it with any of the Deacons. Name badges include the committees / boards people are on, so just look for “Deacons” there.
Blessings and Peace to you.