Six of our youth participated in the Emmaus Program on a weekend in November for which I was the Rector. The Emmaus Program is a Sr. High Youth Peer Ministry Program. We have held 16 weekends during the past eight years. Each weekend takes ten weeks of preparation and team building. The churches in the area take turns offering their facilities for the weekend.

I had the responsibility of putting together the team and the weekend. I asked two of our youth to participate by giving two of the eight talks that are given by youth throughout the weekend. There are themes that are recommended and an outline for ideas, but the youth make the talks their own using their life experiences.

I was thrilled that our church wanted them to share their talks with the congregation. This gave the congregation a chance to understand some of the program that takes place during a weekend. I have been on several weekends and they are life-changing for youth and adults alike.

by Kay Lautzenheiser, a youth group leader

[Note from Administrator:  their sermons were very well received by the congregation.  Members told me they were very inspired by their messages and the strength of their faith.  God bless our youth!]