Think of a traditional New England Congregational church (now part of the more progressive United Church of Christ), established 1725, with members of both conservative and liberal leanings. The Sunday morning worship service is traditional yet casual, with modifications made frequently, as the pastor, deacons, and other members have ideas.
Children are welcome to attend the worship service with you or to join Sunday School. The Sunday School children leave about halfway through the service, after the children’s message. Babies and toddlers are welcomed both in worship and in our nursery, which is located downstairs off the long hallway (we are happy to show the way there). There is also a changing table downstairs in the accessible bathroom off the same hallway. Feel free to step out if your child has need.
Music adds a lot to our worship: singing hymns together, senior choir, hand-bell choir, youth choir, instrumentalists, and, of course, our energetic organist. We make a joyful noise to the Lord, expressing what’s in our hearts with the emotions of music.
We celebrate Communion the first Sunday of each month, and at certain special services. We pass the bread and “wine” (grape juice) on trays, while the congregation remains seated. Or, once in a while, we go forward to receive Communion in front of the altar. We always have a gluten-free communion “bread” available.